India | Orissa | Jharsuguda


Jharsuguda is the administrative headquarters of Jharsuguda District in Orissa. It is a prominent commercial center and agricultural market of the district. Jharsuguda is 70 km to the north of Sambalpur.

Places of interest in and around the town include Vikramakhol, Gujapahar, Kuilighugar and Pikalghugar.

Bhubaneswar is around 450 km south-east. Nearest airport is at Raipur. Jharsuguda Junction Railway Station is a prominent railhead of the state. National Highway 6 has its route through Jharsuguda.

Updated on 12th February, 2016
District: Jharsuguda
Location: Jharsuguda

Bus Stations (1) Rocks and Caves (1)
Rehabilitation Centers (1) Trains and Railway Stations (1)

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