India | Himachal Pradesh

Chenab River

The two main tributaries of the Chenab River, Chandra and Bhaga which rise on the opposite sides of The Baralacha La pass in theHimalayas, join at Tandi to form the Chenab River. The Baralacha La pass is at an elevation of 16,400 ft above sea level. Chenab River is the largest river of Himachal Pradesh in terms of volume of waters. The river enters the Pangi valley of Chamba near Bhujind and leaves the district at Sansari Nala to enter Podar valley of Kashmir. The river flows 122 km through Himachal. It has a total length of 1,200 km and has a catchment area of 61,000 sq km, out of which 7,500 sq km lies in Himachal Pradesh. The vedic name of this river is Askini.

Updated on 7th June, 2005

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