India | Jammu and Kashmir | Leh

Chemre Gompa

Chemre gompa, situated 40 km south of Leh in the Chemre Valley, resembles a medieval European castle, when seen from the rear. It was founded about 350 years ago by a Tibetan Lama, Stagtshang Raspa. The gompa has a Dukhang and two temples above it. About 120 lamas of the red-hat sect live at Chemre gompa. Entering the central courtyard, the Dukhang is located on the right, which is used for prayers and meals. Two images placed before the Dukhang are of Chemre's founder, Stagtshang Raspa, in his 4th and 5th incarnations. A mural of Sakyamuni (Buddha) is placed behind these images. On either side of this painting are two large mandalas, one of Kalachakra and the other of Akshobhya (the imperturbable Buddha or the Buddha of the East). The other walls of the Dukhang have murals depicting the Thousand Buddhas. The Lama Lha-khang or Lama Temple features images of several Lamas, manifestations of the Buddha, and other divinities as well as Buddhist religious texts. The Guru Lha-khang temple is dedicated to Padmasambhava, the 8th century Indian Buddhist preacher who propagated Buddhism in Tibet. The left wall shows Buddha and his various manifestations next to illustrations of guardian divinities. The rear wall shows the fierce guardians of Tibetan Buddhism. The walls of the temple have some of the finest murals in Ladakh.

Updated on 18th September, 2005
District: Ladakh
Location: Leh

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