India | Port Blair

Wandoor Marine National Park

Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park

Around 15 beautiful islands, creeks and open sea encompassing an area of 280 sq km, constitute the Wandoor Marine National Park in Andaman. One can watch more than 50 different varieties of corals, coloured coral reef fish, sea anemones, sharks and water snakes in the shimmering aquamarine park waters. Tropical forests, sandy beaches and clear blue waters feast the eye. The smallest zoo plankton to large sea mammals like dolphins find a home in this place. The Andaman wild pig, spotted deer, Andaman teal, white-bellied sea eagle, Andaman serpent eagle, kingfisher, and tern inhabit the park.

The islands inside the park provide the best nesting grounds for four species of marine turtles including Green Sea, Leather Back, Hawk Bill and Olive Ridley. The creeks inside the park are ideal for the salt-water crocodile. Water monitor lizard and sea snakes such as the banded sea snake also find their habitat here.

Wandoor, the headquarters of the Wandoor Marine National Park, is about 30 km by road from Port Blair. Boat services are available to the other islands in the park.

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Andaman
Location: Port Blair

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