India | Haryana | Panchkula

Panchkula Bus Station

Panchkula Bus Station is located in the Panchkula town center, about 5 km east of Chandigarh. It is connected to National Highway 22 (Chandigarh–Zirakpur–Panchkula–Shimla highway.) Buses frequently ply from Panchkula to Chandigarh, Ambala, Shimla, Patiala, Kalka and Karnal.

Nearest airport is at Chandigarh. Panchkula Railway Station is linked with Chandigarh, Ambala, Ludhiana, New Delhi and Lucknow.

Places of tourist interest at Panchkula are Sri Mata Mansa Devi Temple, Chandi Mandir, Morni hills and the Urban Estate. In the immediate vicinity of the station, there are several hotels providing comfortable accommodation.

Updated on 28th June, 2005
District: Panchkula
Location: Panchkula

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