India | Bihar

Nagarjuna Caves

Nagarjuna Caves is an important archeological site, located on the Nagarjuni Hills, about 41 km from Bodhgaya and 36 km north of Gaya. It consists of three caves, namely, Gopi Cave, Mirza Mandi and Vedathika Kubha. Buddhist religious principles were practiced here.

Gopi Cave is important of the three caves and Muslim saints are believed to have stayed here during the 19th century. This cave is approachable by a flight of steps.

Mirza Mandi is located to the north of the Nagarjuni Hills and is believed to have been excavated during the time of King Dasharatha. A dry well can be seen here, hence it is also known as Vapuiyaka Kubha (cave of well).

Vedathika Kubha is accessible through a natural cleft.

Updated on 28th November, 2014
District: Gaya

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