

Kapha is one among the tridoshas and the heaviest. It is related to two of the panchabhutas: water and earth. Kapha according to the Ayurvedic text, Charaka Samhita, is characteristically heavy, cold, soft; The structure of the body and the lubrication that the body needs is governed by the Kapha. Vata's movement and Pitta's metabolism are equalized by the qualities of Kapha. It strengthens the body; provides both physical and mental stability.

Kapha is increased in the body due to the excessive consumption of deep-fried, sweet or heavy foods, ice-cold foods or beverages, exposure to cold and damp, daytime sleep, and lack of exercise. A balanced diet incorporating the pungent, bitter and the astringent tastes will help to control the Kapha.

Updated on 7th June, 2005

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