India | Rajasthan | Dungarpur

Gaib Sagar Lake

Gaib Sagar Lake is set amidst the scenic locale of Dungarpur, Rajasthan.

Dotted with trees on its pathways, this lake is a bird watcher's paradise. Many migratory birds flock here during winters including rosy pelican, pond heron, pintail ducks, bittern, sarus crane, white necked stork, black ibis, white ibis, lesser flamingo, spot-billed pelican, turtle dove, white breasted kingfisher, peafowl, Indian long billed vulture and large and cattle egret.

The shrine of Shrinathji lies along the lake. It is a collection of several temples with one main temple.

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Dungarpur
Location: Dungarpur

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