India | Punjab | Kapurthala

Kapurthala Bus Station

Kapurthala Bus Station is situated in the Kapurthala town center. Kapurthala is about 19 km west of Jalandhar city. Buses frequently ply from Kapurthala to Gurdaspur, Nawan Shehar, Hoshiarpur, Amritsar and Jalandhar.

Places of tourist spot in and around the city include the Moorish Mosque, Shalimar Garden and Jagatjit Palace. auto-rickshaws, cycle-rickshaws and taxis are available for moving around within the city.

Nearest Railway Station: Kapurthala Railway Station, a major station on the Northern Railways.

Nearest Airport: Amritsar International Airport, 80 km from the city.

Enquiry: +91-1822-232720

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Kapurthala
Location: Kapurthala

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