India | Orissa

Dhenkanal District

Dhenkanal District of Orissa has a cluster of temples, archaeological remains, and dense Sal forests rich in colorful wildlife. It is believed that the district owes its name to a tribal chief called Dhenka who formerly ruled over the place.

Dhenkanal has an area of about 4,600 sq km, supporting more than a million people. The climate is sub-humid and has an average annual rainfall of 170 cm. It is an agricultural district depending mostly on forest products. Principal forest products are timber, bamboo, firewood, and kendu leaf. Largescale industries: Nilachal Refractories, Utkal Asbestos Ltd, Orissa Polyfibres Ltd, and Shakti Sugar.

Dhenkanal is famous for the Balbhadra Temple built in 1700. Lord Chandrasekhar temple is set up on top of a hill. Kapilash Temples, Joranda, Kualo, Ladagada, Kunjakanta Temple, Saptasajya Hill and Saranga are some other places worth visiting.

Updated on 28th December, 2015

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Fairs and Festivals (3) Rivers (1)
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