
Good Friday

Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter on which Christians religiously observe the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Messiah or the Savior of the whole world. The day is considered holy and special services and worship sessions are held in the churches with the readings from the Holy Bible which accounts the events leading up to the crucifixion. Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples and was crucified to death. Good Friday is held with a 50-day penance and fasting, also known as Lent, which ends with Easter. The day marks the revelation of God's providence and love towards the mankind. At some places, processions carrying the cross are also conducted. The day is called Good Friday, as the death of Jesus brought the good gift of salvation for the mankind. The message of Good Friday is that evil can be conquered only by goodness, violence by non-violence and hatred by love.

Updated on 7th June, 2005

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