India | Maharashtra | Nasik

Kushavarta Teerth

Kushavarta Teerth is a bathing tank located at Trimbakeshwar in Nasik District of Maharashtra. Kushavarta is the place from where the Godavari River takes its course.

People believe that a dip in this sacred tank wipes off the sins. This teerth is said to be the spot where Gautam Rishi finally secured the Ganges River on earth by spreading the Kusha or the Darba grass around the river.

The structure around the Kushavarta Teerth was built in the late 18th century by Raoji Abaji Parnekar of the Holkars, the Maratha rulers of Indore. This holy tank has flights of steps on all sides with pillared aisles, and highly ornate arches.

Trimbakeshwar Temple and Indra Teerth are the important places of tourist interest situated nearby.

State buses ply frequently between Nasik and Trimbakeshwar. The nearest railhead is Nasik Road Railway Station.

Updated on 9th February, 2016
District: Nasik
Location: Trimbakeshwar

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