India | Maharashtra | Kolhapur

Kolhapur Bus Station

Kolhapur Bus Station is in the heart of Kolhapur city, which is 240 km north of Pune. The station operates regular services on the Bangalore-Pune route with semi luxury and regular coaches. Maharashtra State Transport Corporation (MSTC) operates buses to Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg and Belgaum.

Excellent accommodations at Hotel Victor Palace, Hotel Raysons Regency, Hotel Rajpurush and Hotel Panchshil in Kolhapur. Prime attractions are Ambabai Temple, Irwin Agricultural Museum, Panhalgad hill station and Mahalaxmi Temple.

City buses, auto-rickshaws and taxis are available for local travel.

Nearest airport: Kolhapur Airport.
Nearest International airport: Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.
Nearest railway station: Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus Railway Station.

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Kolhapur
Location: Kolhapur

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