

Daksha occurs in different period and in different characteristics throughout Hindu mythology. Sage Parasara rightly sums it up as "in every age Daksha and the rest are born and are again destroyed."

Daksha is a son of Brahma and one of the Prajapatis. In Rig Veda, it is said, "Daksha sprang from Aditi, and Aditi from Daksha." In the Satapatha Brahmana, Daksha is the son of Aditi.

According to Mahabharata, Daksha sprang from the right tumb of Brahma and his wife from the left thumb. Puranas also adopt this view but disagreeing about his wife. According to Puranas, he married Prasuthi, granddaughter of Manu. By her, he had several daughters and one of the daughters, Sati, married Shiva. Daksha did not approve the marriage and Sati killed herself.

Daksha yaga is a famous incident associated with him, which was interrupted by Lord Shiva in order to avenge the death of Sati.

Updated on 7th June, 2005

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