India | Sikkim

Singhi Chham Dance

Singhi Chham, also known as Kanchendzonga Dance, is a folk dance native to Sikkim. The word 'Singhi Dance' means the 'Lion Dance'. This masked dance is performed during the worship of snowy range of Kanchenjunga. People use this majestic dance as a way to display their cultural symbol.

Performed exclusively by the citizens of the state, it is held in the month of September. Chador Namgyal, the third Chogyal of Sikkim, introduced this dance about two and a half centuries ago.

In this dance form, Kanchenjunga is portrayed as a fiery red faced deity with a crown of five skulls, riding the mythical snow-lion and holding aloft the banner of victory. The 'snow-lion' represents the cultural symbol of the state. It was decreed the guardian deity of the people of the state by Guru Padamsambhava.

Singhi Chham is performed exclusively by men folk, The dancers wear esoteric masks, flashing silks, opulent brocades and embroidered boots.

Updated on 1st January, 2024


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