
Rasayana Therapy

The Science of Rejuvenation in Ayurveda

Rasayana therapy enhances the life force and immunity of a person and rejuvenates the cells and tissues in his body. This therapy is believed to hold old age and related infirmities at bay. It is held that the rasayanas are the secret of the long, healthy, energetic lives of the sages of yore.

Rasayana means the augmentation of 'rasa,' the vital fluid produced by the digestion of food. The rasa flowing in the body sustains life. Rasayana therapy maintains the rasa in the body. Rasa also means a herbal medicine, which maintains the life and health of the individual, keeping him physically and mentally fit.

Herbs and medicinal plants such as amalaki, haritiki, triphala, bhringaraja, ashwagandha, punarnava, chitraka are used in the preparation of the rasayanas. The Rasayana therapy is administered in two different ways, by ' Kutipravesika' and ' Vatatapika' or 'indoor' and 'outdoor' therapy.

Updated on 7th June, 2005


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