
Pushyamitra Sunga

Pushyamitra Shunga

Pusyamitra Sunga was the founder of the Sunga dynasty and ruled from 185 BC to 151 BC. Initially, he was the commander of the Mauryan Empire. He assassinated the last Mauryan emperor Brhadrata and subsequently founded the Sunga dynasty. His capital was Pataliputra (Patna).

Pusyamitra Sunga was a strong Hindu monarch and established the traditional orthodox Brahmanism in his empire. He strongly opposed Buddhism and persecuted them in large numbers. In 180 BC, the Greeks attacked his empire and invaded large parts of northwestern and northern India as far as Pataliputra. The empire was confined to eastern parts of India. Pusyamitra Sunga was succeeded in 151 BC by his son Agnimitra.

Updated on 21st December, 2014


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