India | West Bengal

Murshidi Songs

Murshidi songs are devotional folk songs that evolved and flourished mainly through Sufis. The word 'murshid', derives from the Arabic 'ershad', and means 'to order or give advice'. A murshid leads the devotees on the path of spirituality. A murshid among Muslims, enjoys the same status of a guru among Hindus. The Murshidi songs praise the murshid and appeal to him to guide the devotee.

Murshidi songs also speak of divine love. Rivers, boats, birds and Radha and Krishna are used in these songs symbolically. Their theme of spiritual love and commitment distinguishes them from other types of songs.

Set usually to tunes that are mostly sad and heart-rending, which signify the followers' perception of the inability, ignorance and non-attainment of spiritual bliss, these songs are true yearnings for spiritual realisation.

Updated on 10th August, 2015


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