India | Bihar | Amwa Majhar

Amwa Majhar

Amwa Majhar is located at an altitude of 226 ft above sea level, in West Champaran District of Bihar. It is around 12 km to the south of Bettiah, on the eastern banks of the Gantak River.

Amwa Majhar is located at Coordinates 26°44\'9\"N 84°34\'48\"E. The village has an average elevation of 62 metres It has hot summers and chilling winters. In summers the temperature goes up to 44-46 degrees Celsius while in winters the temperature goes as low as 2–5 degrees Celsius. In winters, Sun is not visible for days together, sometimes more than a fortnight. It has heavy annual rainfall of about 150-160cm, Amwa Majhar lies in the alluvial plains of Gandak basin. It is located near the River Gandak. The region faces thunders and hailstorms during the change of seasons. . Udaipur Bird Sanctuary and Valmiki National Park are ideal spots for excursions. Durga Mandir, situated at Bettiah, is of paramount importance to the Hindus.

Amwa Majhar is close to Majhwalia (12 km to the north), Sagauli (17 km to the north-east) and Gunjrauliya (15 km to the south).

Patna Airport and Varanasi Airport are the convenient airports. Nearest major railhead is Bettiah Railway Station.

Updated on 5th October, 2010
District: West Champaran
Location: Amwa Majhar    


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