Tatya Tope (1817-1859), also known as Tantia Topi, was one of the national heroes who played a significant role during India's First War of Independence, the Revolt of 1857. Born in a Brahmin family, Tatya Tope became military advisor of Peshwa chieftain, Nana Saheb. During the Revolt of 1857, also known as Sepoy Mutiny, it was Tatya Tope's attack on European garrison that wiped out British authority from
Kanpur. After this attack, Nana proclaimed himself as Peshwa. However, soon the British army defeated Nana’s forces and captured Nana and Tatya. But under the cover of night they escaped with their troops. After this defeat, Nana appointed Tatya as his general. Following his appointment as a general, Tatya Tope tried regaining Kanpur from the British forces through successive battles, but was finally defeated, captured and publicly hanged.