India | Uttar Pradesh

Guru Ravidas Jayanti

Guru Ravidas was a great saint who lived during the period of Kabirdas, a renowned poet who worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. Ravidas belonged to a Harijan family. Most of the day time, he sat in meditation on the banks of the Ganges. This great saint wrote numerous hymns in praise of God, which are very beautiful in its lyrics and composition. He was also famous as a great social reformer.

Guru Ravidas Jayanti is celebrated with a procession, bearing the portrait of the great ascetic. The portrait is taken out to the main streets and bazaars of the city with music and fanfare. Special pujas and feasts are arranged in the temples which are dedicated to Guru Ravidas. At Varanasi, the birth place of the guru, the festival is celebrated with extra fervor and devotion.

Updated on 7th June, 2005


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