
Maha Vidyas

Maha Vidyas are the ten fundamental aspects of the Supreme Cosmic Mother. Each Goddess has a specific cosmic function in the universal harmony. This aspect is related to the Tantric cult.

The names of the ten goddesses are, Kali (eternal night), Tara (compassionate goddess), Shodashi(16 yrs old goddess), Bhuvaneshvari (creator of the world), Chinnamasta (Goddess who cuts off, own head), Bhairavi (goddess of decay), Dhumawati (goddess who widows herself), Bagalamukhi (goddess who seizes the tongue), Matangi (goddess who loves pollution), and Kamala.

These ten goddesses reflects the dynamic unity of existence and all aspects of life - the darkest, the purest, the most forceful and the inert - are combined to form a whole.

Updated on 28th August, 2005

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