India | West Bengal


Formerly known as Fedricnagar

Satellite town of Kolkata, Serampore is on the banks of the river Hooghly, 25 km north of Kolkata. It was the center of Danish colonialism (1793-1834) till the East India Company took over in 1845. The house of the Danish Governor, the Roman Catholic Church and St Olaf Church (1808) still attract tourists, for their architectural excellence.

The first Bengali book and newspaper were published from Serampore. Serampore College, established in 1818, has a museum which exhibits information about the missionaries, Sir Williams Carey, Ward and Marshman and their activities. The triangular park in front of the church has a dozen cannons used by the Danes. The narrow lane near the railway station leads to the cemetery where William Carey and other notable persons of the day remain buried.

The other attraction is the Jagannath temple in Mahesh (3 km), where the rathyathra festival is held. Serampore Railway Station is the major railway station.

Updated on 5th May, 2015
District: Hooghly

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