India | Himachal Pradesh | Chamba

Chamba Bus Station

Chamba Bus Station is situated close to the Chowgan. Buses ply from Chamba to Bharmaur (3½ hours), Dharamshala (10 hours), Khajjiar (1½ hours), Dalhousie (3 hours) and Pathankot (6 hours.)

Nearest airport is Gaggal Airport , about 170 away. Pathankot Railway Station is 118 km away.

Interesting places in and around the city are the Akhand Chandi Palace, the Laxmi Narayan Temple and the Brajreshwari Devi temple.

Himalayan Orchard Hut and Hotel Iravati offer superb accommodation near the bus station.

Taxis, jeeps and city buses are extensively available to get around places.

Updated on 7th June, 2005
District: Chamba
Location: Chamba

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